基础篇 — 剑桥真题 5 & 6
进阶篇 — 剑桥真题 7 & 9
高级篇 — 剑桥真题 8 & 10 & 11
Passage1:Crop-growing skyscrapers 查看详情>>
Passage2:THE FALKIRK WHEEL 查看详情>>
Passage3:Reducing the Effects of Climate Change 查看详情>>
Passage1:Raising the Mary Rose 查看详情>>
Passage2:What destroyed the civilisation of Easter Island? 查看详情>>
Passage3:Neuroaesthetics 查看详情>>
Passage1:THE STORY OF SILK 查看详情>>
Passage2:Great Migrations 查看详情>>
Passage3:Preface to ‘How the other half thinks: Adventures in mathematical reasoning' 查看详情>>
Passage1:Research using twins 查看详情>>
Passage2:An Introduction to Film Sound 查看详情>>
Passage3:'This Marvellous Invention' 查看详情>>