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1 .Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about what's happening in town this weekend.



1 .Right, thanks, Andrew, and now on to what's new, and do we really need yet another sports shop in Broadcaster?


2 .Well, most of you probably know Sports World - the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago-it's attracted a lot of custom, and so the company has now decided to open another branch in the area.


3 .It's going to be in the shopping center to the west of Broadcaster, so that will be good news for all of you who've found the original shop in the North of the town hard to get to.


4 .I was invited to a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing.


5 .The whole place has been given a new minimalist look with the company's signature colors of black and red.


6 .The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as the equipment.


7 .And on the top floor, there is a cafe and a book & DVD section.


8 .You'll find all the well-known names as well as some less well-known ones.


9 .If they haven't got exactly what you want in the stock, they promised to get it for you in 10 days, unlike the other store, where it can take up to 14 days.


10 .They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis, and swimming, but they particularly focus on running and they claim to have the widest range of equipment in the country.


11 .As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to sports bags, including the latest designs from the States - If you can't find what you want here, it doesn't exist.



1 .The shop will be open from 9 am this Saturday and if you go along to the opening then you'll have the chance to meet the national 400 meters running champion Paul King, who's coming along to open the shop, and he will be staying around until about midday to chat to any fans who want to meet him and sign autographs.

该店将在星期六上午9点开业,如果你去参加了开幕式,你会有机会见到全国400米跑步冠军Paul King,他也会来参加开幕式,他将呆到中午并和想见他的球迷们聊天并签名。


1 .Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend.


2 .There will be free tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all, just answer 15 out of 20 sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul King's DVD 'Spring Tips', while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a year's free membership of the Broadcaster Gym.

届时前50名顾客将会得到当地体育赛事的免费门票,也是一个特殊的带有竞争性的开幕式。只需回答正确20道体育类题目中的15题,就会赢得一份 Paul Kin9签名的DVD ‘Spring Tips’,同时,第一个答对所有题目的人,将会得到bradcaster健身房免费一年的会员资格。

3 .All entrants will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Broadcaster fixtures in the coming year.



1 .One of the special opening offers is a fitness test- a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone, actually done in the shop by qualified staff.


2 .This would normally cost 30 pounds but is available at half price for this month only.


3 .There are only a limited number of places available for this, so to make a booking phone 560341.


4 .In addition, if you open an account you get lots more special offers including the chance to try out the equipment at the special opening evenings...
